

It's a New Year!

Well I took a bit of a hiatus over Christmas to try to relax and catch up on things around the house. I've discovered that I'm not very good at relaxing! I had a great Christmas though and was surrounded by family and food at all times. :)

I don't usually get too caught up in all of the New Year's hype. After all, it is just a number. I did come up with some, lets call them goals, for the New Year though.

- Work. I want to give even more. I work hard right now but I know I can work harder. Work is an important part of Buddhism as it tames the ego. There's a great Buddhist proverb that says "Before enlightenment, chop wood and carry water. After enlightenment, chop wood and carry water."

- Make more time for improving my own wellness. There's a zen center in Victoria that I just love. Unfortunately, it's in Victoria. However, thanks to technology, they do early morning online meditations where you can actually mediate with the monk live and see him on your computer. I'm not a morning person but this is something that I really want to make time for.

- I need to get outside more. I live in such an AMAZING place and I feel like I take it for granted. Caving, kayaking, hiking, camping, climbing...I want to do it all.

- Self sustainability - I want this as much as possible. Right now, we have chickens and get eggs which is great. We're planning on getting a goat and hopefully a greenhouse. I know nothing about gardening, but I've bought "Gardening for Dummies" so I should be fine. ;)

- And...probably like all of you...I want to eat better. I'm not too bad right now but I do have a bit of a sweet tooth! We received a blender as a house warming present and I've been using it to make healthy smoothies. It's a start!

How about you? And New Year's resolutions or goals?

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